It's Thanksgiving this week. Ya know the funny holiday where Americans watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade, eat, sit on the couch and watch football, eat desserts, nap and then go shopping the next day. It's a bizarre tradition for anyone who hasn't grown up with it to understand but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The food, football, family and a million reasons to be forced to count your blessings. This year my family will be here to celebrate Thanksgiving in Chile. So here's what I say Thank You to Chile and this whole experience for:
- the countless times I laugh and smile because I don't know what's going on
- ice cream (manjar, peanut&chocolate, Gran Duke, Mora)
- empanadas (chicken, corn and cheese)
- my health-not dying in Bolivia and not having massive scars from the bug bites
- public transportation and somehow not getting ran over by buses
- the bagel shop
- strawberries and all fresh fruit every day
- having the ocean just a walk away
- skiing in the Andes (the PERFECT blue bird day at Portillo)
- improving my Spanish and finally having a clue as to what is going on
- my iPhone
- being able to see desert, high plains, glaciers, mountains, beach
- peanut butter (even if it is $7 a jar)
- parents sending me a care package
- casual reading books
- skype and Viber
- runs along the coast
- sunsets over the ocean
- for kind people giving us gringos directions when we're lost
- nights at Merano, Oasis, Journal, Juglar spent sharing stories
Shout out time because what I'm most thankful for are the people in my life here who have contributed to this being an incredible experience-
- "the boys" (Mat, Mark, Murphy, Logan, Brandan, Austin, Paul, Rob)- for the countless teasing and calling me "mom", quoting movie lines that of course I have never seen, the women jokes and having the goal of me becoming an alcoholic (not even close to happening). But the never ending big hugs and times of laughter and sharing in the greatest adventures I've ever had
- Meghan, Kelly, Jen- for somehow still dancing with me and just laughing at my "dad" jokes. For baking every week and sharing in my love of chocolate and peanut butter. morning runs on the beach or sunset ice creams. oh and thanks Jen for providing Netflix to all of us. thanks kids.
- Caroline- Tuesday/Thursday school bus rides
- Andy-for your grizzly bear look but your kind heart :) for also being my dance partner and keeping me safe at Mero
- Cali&Erin-for pizza night and sharing in all our adventures here and life pre-Chile. and Cali for sharing books, laughter and Morachas.
- Jaime- for help planning trips and making endless copies for personal matters. and for getting me cookies :)
- Megan&Tyler- for your Christ like presence
- Nate, Jason, John- for sharing your funny stories about your travels and for providing endless laughter listening to your raps
- Emily, Megan, Eden, Nikoll, Lexi, Myrna, Lindsey- for the nights at Lime, or the nights out or sharing in our baked goods
- Jody-for being my first friend and roommate in Santiago
- Casey&David- for waiting with me at the bus stop to go home at night for what seems likes hours. and David for giving me your jacket those first few weeks when I was always freezing
- Sam&Ben- for sunset walks, undying love for each other and your senses of humor.and Sam thanks for being my partner in Patagonia next week.
- Taylor-for being the only one in ISA with a Southern accent
- Hannah&Alex- for keeping me alive in Bolivia and showing us around Cusco. for showing us the nightlife and Cusco on a lighter note. and for Hannah coming to Patagonia next week
- Manuel Casanueva- for being all of our favorite professor here. for teaching not from the books but rather from documentaries and personal experiences. and for dancing in class.
- Kristoff, Pierre, Anna, Ina, Lorenzo, Michael and all the other international students from outside the USA- for sharing your cultures and speaking english even though it isn't your first language
- Macarena, Giovanni, Esteban, Carlos- for giving me an insight to Chilean life
- my host family and all their friends- for taking me and loving me as your own. for laughing at my mistakes and enjoying my successes. for teaching me about Chilean culture, sharing your food, and for contributing to me growing as a person.
- Brittney, Rachel, Annie, Laura, Garret Kiki, Allison, Ali, Irene, Sam, Rylie, Katrin, Susie, Hannah, Megan, Ana (DU friends)- for your support and encouragement and listening to my adventures via skype and viber. and for sharing your adventures with me.
- Allison, Tiffany, Angie, Mike, Devin, Zoe, Brad, Steph, Kylee (friends from home)-for being interested in my life and keeping me updated on what's going on at home. for sending snap chats of the fall colors or the falling snow
- Mom, Dad, TJ- for allowing me to come on this journey and supporting me. for listening to me ramble on skype. for enjoying my success and adventures with me. I can't wait to spend Thanksgiving with all of you here.
So thank you all for contributing to my baggage as I carry it along with me on this journey called life!
the boys |
Andy |
Rob, Murphy and me
"We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives."-JFK
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