It's time for Oprah's annual favorite things list so I figured I'd shard my favorite things about my time abroad. My list doesn't include high priced fancy purses and make up. Some would say it's on the simpler side of things, but hey life is simple when you don't choose to complicate it.
1) Baglemania- Chile's only bagel shop. The only bagel shop for 17 million people! It's located upstairs of the Santa Isabel on 1 poniente and 9 norte in Vina. The owner even gives a 10% discount to students. They have different types of bagels, but only plain cream cheese. Nonetheless it's a little taste of home.
2) The beach- promising beautiful sunsets every night. The best sunsets were in August and September. I'll miss watching the waves kiss the shore.
3) Empanadas- Chicken and cheese, hawaiian, cheese. The best empanada I had was with Andy in Reñaca at a little shop next to 6 other empanada shops. El Mono in Con Con had great empanadas too.
chicken, corn and cheese empanada |
4) Ice Cream/Gelato- Bravissimo & Mo's. Manjar mixed with chocolate, or maybe
mora (blackberry) or
frutilla (strawberry). the Grand Duke flavor in San Pedro de Atacama was amazing too. It's usually $3USD for 2 scoops of ice cream in a cone.
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand- my favorite book I've read here. I recommend it to everyone. A story of courage, determination, survival and family. The movie comes out Christmas day 2014 so you have a bit of time to read it before you see the movie.
6) 500 peso coins- 500 pesos=$1USD so when you get a 500 coin it can be used for so many things. Murphy has a stack of them to buy coffee at school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I love them for the bus, Cali buys treats with them.
7) iPhone 4S- thankful for this gadget and all it's fun-snapchat, instagram, viber, ScoreCenter. And thankful to the camera and it's fancy panorama pictures
8) Buff Headwear- I have 2 buffs with me that mom got me for my birthday and I love them! I have a headband and an original buff that I've worn as a headband, neck gator, and beanie. Everyone should own a few buffs
9) Pizzeria Ecuador- we discovered this place last week on Calle Ecuador in Valpo (#277 calle Ecuador) The pizza was super good. For $7USD you get 3 toppings on an 8 slice pizza so last week we tried a strange combo of chicken, onion and honey. Turned out to be tasty dispite what you are thinking. Can't wait for pizza Tuesday tomorrow to try something else.
10) Guatero- a rubber bag filled with hot water with a fabric covering. It's used to put at the foot of your bed when it's cold and it keeps you nice and warm. For those of you who know me well know that I am ALWAYS cold so this was a lifesaver the first few months here. Mama had it ready for me every night. I'd say it's pretty close to being as good as my electric blan ket back at DU.
guatero |
11) Cupkiss- discovered by Kelly and Meghan. A secret gem located on 14 norte and about 2 poinente in Viña. The little shop has about 10 kinds of cupcakes-lemon, blueberry, strawberry, peanut butter, nutella, white chocolate, vanilla, and our favorite....carrot! At $2 a cupcake it's a good thing we didn't discover this place sooner or we'd be even more broke
12) Sal Merono (better known as the beach clube)- okay this place isn't actually one of my favorites, but every time I've been a new adventure occurs. Like the one time I went and forgot to bring any sort of ID so I used Kelly and passed back. You only have to be 18 to get into clubs and bars here so it wasn't like I was doing anything illegal I just forgot my id. Funny thing is Kelly had her MA ID and she's about 5'2" and 110 lbs and has light brown hair so anyone in the states would clearly laugh at our attempt, but it worked.
13) my journal- for all those stories that I'll look back at laugh at in a few years, or months.
14) avocados, strawberries, clementines- each eaten on a daily basis. No produce is pumped fill of pesticides and preservatives so it's all fresh. Produce is generally very cheap too
15), for those times when nothing is appealing on NetFlix and you want to learn a thing or two
I think I've had lots of favorite moments here that aren't necessarily "things". Like the mornings spent baking, or walks along the beach at sunset, or Sunday lunch with my family. Moments of sitting on bus rides somehow still enjoying ourselves 12 hours later. The times playing cards and listening to oldies music. The times spent meeting up to do homework with friends but really just sharing stories of our lives. Those would be my favorite moments.
“Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.” - Sarah Kay