You know those times when you think, "I'll never forget this moment"? Well this weekend was full of those. My best friend who's known me since the day I was born came on Thursday. She got to come to the country club and watch me teach learn to skate. The 3 boys and 1 girl in my class on Thursdays are hilarious. The boys all call me their girlfriend and one boy says he's buying me an engagement ring (nice to know that 6 year olds like me). They also find it fun to try and tackle me or hug me until I fall. I can't stop smiling when I teach those kids; they're so full of life and just excited to be kids. Dad was in town with Dan and Bret his 2 college buddies and they took us to dinner at the Cherry Cricket. I will never forget the sweet potato fries of the turkey burger with herb cream cheese. Thursday night we went to our friends house for a Thrift Shop party where we got dressed up in clothes that were literally from the thrift store. It was a blast! Friday consisted of class in the morning and then shopping and a delicious trip to Crepes N' Crepes with Allyson and Mur. Allison and I split a savory crepe and then an ice cream filled crepe. So yummy! Friday night we picked up Kurt,another best friend from home, from the airport and headed to the CC vs. DU rivalry hockey game. This is one of the few times that our school has a lot of school spirit. Kurt and Allison met a bunch of my friends while we watched the game. Illegal Pete's was our stop on the way back to my dorm for some much needed late night Mexican dinner. Susie's sister and sister's friend were here so we had quite the packed room but everyone was content. Saturday Annie, Allison, Kurt and I went to the gym to play some basketball and get 'swoll'. After getting cleaned up the 4 of us went to the Idaho vs. DU basketball game to meet up with my dad and crew. We wore Vandal attire to the game and cheered for the Vandals knowing they would lose by a lot of points. It was fun to be there with such a random crew including cousin Maggie and one of Kurt's friends from Dixie, Mitch. We laughed hysterically throughout the game as the Vandals got pummeled despite our best efforts to lead the infamous I-D-A-H-O cheer.

The crowd around us couldn't really believe our friendly bunch. We ended up at Kaos Pizza on Pearl Street for dinner with our large group. We shared some of the most incredible pizza we've ever had and played trival pursuit. Who knew you could be so entertained with some trivia cards present at the dinner table? I'm sure the other guests just wanted us to leave. We also had lavender honey gelato. Now that's not something you have everyday but believe me when I say that it is delicious. Dan graciously bought dinner and we finally left the table after 2 hours of constant laughter and talk about college and the variety of experiences we've all had. The old guys shared some knowledge to us young folks while sharing some other stories about adventures I hope I never have. I'll be forever thankful to my dad when he says "I have loved the life I've lived and I just want my kids to love their life too."

Us kids came back to DU for a little dance and singing session in our room singing every song from "World's Greatest" to "Chicken Fried"before we went and met up with another friend of mine from home, Lena, who was visiting her boyfriend who goes here. Mitch was still chilling with us which was great.

I haven't seen Lena since we were counselors together at HOBY 2 years ago and she is so awesome. The rest of the night consisted of more fun, seeing more friends and having deep talks until 3am. Such an epic night! Sunday we were up early hanging out watching basketball on TV and eating brunch in the dining hall. Dad and the crew came over to say bye and give us a present from mom. She's so great-homeade granola, muddy buddies, candle warmer, goldfish, hot cocoa! We talked shared more stories with the old geezers and they headed out. My friends kept saying how awesome dad is. I just say that I love him and he's quite the character. We decided to go roller bladding at Wash Park and Libby, Susie's sister, came along. It was a blast to be outside enjoying fresh air. Sunday night we had one last dinner in the dining hall before Mitch and I drove Allison and Kurt to the airport to say goodbye.
I loved hanging out with Annie the whole weekend while she got to be with some of my friends. We spent a straight 29 hours with Mitch, someone only Kurt had met, and he turned out to be an awesome person who I feel like I've known for years. Annie and I couldn't stop laughing at everything that happened this weekend. I feel incredibly blessed to have best friends and family that come to visit. I'm grateful for the times like these when I know I'll have stories to tell and laugh at for years.